You can look up your exact Carburetor or Carburetor Repair KitHERE. Click HERE for a list of Remanufactured Carburetors.
The more information you can give us about what carburetor you have the better.
Try to be as complete and specific as possible.
Always include your engine and/or sterndrive serial number whenever possible.
We answer most requests withing an hour or less during normal business hours.
Otherwise, we will respond first thing the next morning.
Consider such items as:
Engine Year
Engine Serial number
Engine Size, model and number of cylinders
Drive model
Drive serial number
Quantity of parts
Parts Description
Parts Location
Material of part
Have you removed the part yet? It's best to disassemble what you need before ordering parts. Do you need any special tools? Do you have an adequate service manual? Do you have special shipping requests? What is your zip code and/or shipping location?