Marine Parts & Accessories

Mercruiser Precision Parts keep your engines
in good, safe operating condition.

Insist on ONLY Mercruiser Factory Parts!

We have tune-up kits, points and condensors for every
Mercruiser Sterndrive and Inboard Engine made.

Here are a few simple tune-up tips.
1. Always set your dwell (points) BEFORE setting your timing.
2. Apply dielectric grease to the distributor cam or the points will fail fast.
3. Make a note of you firing order BEFORE the tune-up.
5. Make sure you have the correct engine specifications.
6. Use White Out to mark your harmonic damper timing line.
7. Use care installing a ThunderBolt Sensor wheel! Don't bend any tabs.

A bad condensor can cause a "no-spark" condition.
Be careful not to let the wire ground out against the distributor housing.

After the points are set and the dwell is perfect, check the timing advance
to make sure your centrifugal weights and springs are OK.

33662 Condenser has changed to 898253003 Condenser $ 6.00

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